My Courses

Data Analysis Python

The following topics are covered in this domain: Exploratory Data Analysis, Feature Extraction, Data Visualization, Regression Algorithms.

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Data Visualization Python

Visualization and Extraction of important features from immigirants to Canada Data set. Pandas, Numpy, Seaborn, Plotly, Matplotlib, word clouds, waffle charts, Implementing Dashes.

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Machine Learning Python

Implementation of Supervised (Regression, Classification), Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithms.

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Supervised Machine Learning

A deeper Look at Supervised machine Learning algorithms, implementing each and everything form scratch with interactive visual tools.

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Advanced Learning Algo's

A deeper Look at Classification algorithms, implementing each and everything form basic with interactive visual tools. Deep Learning Frameworks TensorFlow, Pytorch used.

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Unsupervised Learning

A deeper Look at Clustering, Reinforcement Learning and Anomaly Detection with interactive visual tools. e.g. PCA, mars rover simulation.

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